A true beauty and a personal pattern that has proven results from the Northeast to the Northwest .... These colors are a deadly combination that trout and salmon love. The Supervisor: The supervisor is considered to be one of Maine’s most important streamer flies and has remained a popular fly over the century since it’s inception. The Supervisor was the creation of Joseph S. Stickney, Supervisor of Wardens for the State of Maine of Saco Maine, concieved while fishing at Moose Pond in Maine in 1925. It was created to mimic the finger smelt, a common prey item for the Eastern brook trout. Interestingly, Mr. Stickney wasn’t a tyer, but had commissioned Carrie Stevens and other tyers to tie the streamer. Carrie occasionally called the pattern her Lake Supervisor. The original Supervisor did not include the jungle cock or peacock in the dressing. These were added later and the resulting pattern was called the Supervisor Imperial. The “Imperial” was later discarded, and shortened back down to the Supervisor, and is now the accepted dressing. The pattern is thought to have been inspired from a simpler “Terror” streamer tied by Hardy for Atlantic salmon in England.

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