This beautiful little bright fly will attract hungry salmon and trout. My best results with this are trolling the shorelines at sun-up. This fly is also a great pattern to cast . Simply named after a fishing spot of my Dad's. MOXIE POND The Forks, East Moxie, and Bald Mountain Twps. Somerset County U.S.G.S. Moxie Pond, Maine (7½’) Fishes Landlocked salmon Common shiner Brook trout Redbelly dace Rainbow smelt Creek chub White perch White sucker Minnows Brook stickleback Lake chub Pumpkinseed sunfish Golden shiner Physical Characteristics Area - 2370 acres Temperatures: Surface - 75°F Maximum depth - 51 feet 45 feet - 50°F Principal fisheries: Landlocked salmon, brook trout, white perch Moxie Pond is located east of Mosquito Mountain. Many small inlets enter from the east and west sides of the pond. Its outlet, Moxie Stream, exits the north end through a dam and flows west to the Kennebec River. The pond’s shoreline is lightly developed. Water quality in Moxie Pond is good for coldwater gamefish. Salmonid growth remains good, despite competition from the large numbers of white perch, which were illegally introduced around 1985. The pond’s numerous inlets provide spawning and nursery areas for brook trout. This population is supplemented with annual stockings to provide a fishery. Salmon are stocked periodically to provide a fishery for this species. Moxie Pond is accessible from a boat launch site near the outlet. It can be reach via a road leaving Route 201 in The Forks Plt. The pond is open to fishing in the summer with no live fish as bait and closed in the winter months.

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